E-votional - "Blame"
September 17, 2001
"Do you think that because these Galileans suffered in this way they were worse sinners than all other Galileans? No."

Luke 13:2 (NRSV)


    Understanding. Blame. We always look to try to understand what has happened when things go wrong. People can look to things that are going wrong or what they think is wrong. But the fact remains things happen that we can not figure out or find a reason for. What we can do, however, is understand that we are to live the life God has for us.

    Hear the Good News, living a life that is fulfilled and faithful is really what God wants from and for us. We do not have to have the most or the best, be just like the person to our left or to our right. All we have to do is live faithfully and understand that Christ is in our life. Recently, there was another attack, not on buildings or on the physical, but on groups of people. Some people have blamed the recent attacks on groups like the ACLU, the liberal groups, homosexuals and the like. "God has abandoned us," they say. We deserve this they say. During Jesus' time a very similar question was asked (follow this link to verse 4). When things happen, that is what they do, they happen, all we can do is look to how we respond and remain faithful.


    Thank you Father for Your love and compassion. The patience that you extend to me as I fumble about trying to understand this world I live in. Let me have the same love and compassion as I encounter others that fumble about, trying to understand how it is they too fit in this world. Patience, something I will never have enough of, something I must exercise each and every day.  Thank You for all that You have done in my life and all You will continue to do, for I ask this through Christ, my Lord and Savior. Amen.