While we have been talking about promises, (yesterday), we also must understand who it is that makes promises, for this matters. If a stranger comes up and promises to watch your new briefcase while you run into the bathroom, you might be considered foolish to accept this offer. A funny scene from National Lampoon's European Vacation come to mind. Clark Griswold, the main character, asks a local, and a stranger, to take their picture with their new cam-corder. At the time, this was an expensive tool, not a toy, but as the distance between the stranger and Clark increases, the stranger promptly runs away with the camera. Understanding who we place our trust and hope in and who's promises we cling to are as important as the promise itself.
Hear the Good News, the who behind the promise of the coming Kingdom of God is actually three-fold. First we have the one who is behind our very being and creation. And even more, God, our Father, has a great track record for making and keeping promises, He has never failed. Then we have the experience of Christ, who has not only been our personal tutor and teacher, but the one who stood up for us and stands up for us even today. Jesus made it a point to reach out even to me. He was and is the special person that sought us out and turned our life around. He saw us, knowing he could accomplish something great in our life, grabbed us and promised to hang in there with us always. And finally, we have the Holy Spirit and the divine presence in our life. He manifest Himself through strength and comfort in the times of need. He speaks to us in the still small voice that is deep within our soul. The "Who" is here. The "Who" behind the promises of our life, our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer, this is no stranger, but the most intimate of friends. Promises that are made are one thing, but the promises that are kept are in fact another!
Prayer:Gracious Father, You have promised us something that we have trouble even imagining. The very thought of the Kingdom of Heaven is so vast and incredible, I am most inclined to say, "I trust You" and "surprise me." Over and over You have been there for me, even when I fail to recognize it. Please I pray, surround us all with your grace and mercy, keeping us all from harm as we travel this Thanksgiving. Remind us of not only Your presence but Your promises as well. And finally, thank You for the promises You have made and kept in my life, and I eagerly await the promises to come. Help me keep the promises I have made in my heart to You that they might be ratified in Heaven and Earth. Thank You for all that You have done in my life and all You will continue to do, for I ask this through Christ, my Lord and Savior. Amen.