E-votional - Forever
March 18, 2002

"O give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his steadfast love endures forever!"

Psalm 118:1 (NRSV)


   Recently, I went and took a bit out of a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. As I unwrapped the candy, the memory of how much i liked this candy flooded my mind. Growing up there were a few types of candy that I really enjoyed, but none more than the ole peanut butter cup. I found myself even trying to match the taste like the old commercial, chocolate and peanut butter. But alas, the peanut butter cup was the real deal to me. So, there I was, unwrapping the foil, ready to take a bite. As I took the bite, something was different. That memory and and my taste were no longer in the same relationship. The candy of my youth, was now just another piece of candy, without a current connection.

   Hear the Good News, God is steadfast in his love for us and his desire to be close to us. While we go through life, experiencing changes in our desires, likes and hopes, God's desire and love for us remains consistent. Our changes may be to loss of sensation, an expanded point of reference or even burn-out. But with God, His love for us does not change. His calling upon our life, it remains consistent. His desire to be with us, it never ends.


   Gracious God, You are forever and your forever is love. While my limited mind and emotional capabilities make it difficult to understand forever and true consistency, You offer to me the best example of what forever and love both are. Thank You for all that You have done in my life and all You will continue to do, for ask this through Christ, my Lord and Savior. Amen.