E-votional - Masks
November 1, 2001
"Nothing is covered up that will not be uncovered, and nothing secret that will not become known."

Luke 12:2 (NRSV)


    They disguise who we are. They allow us both anonymity and fantasy. We, by virtue of being and imagination, are able to pick the who, the what, the when, and even the why. Masks. Prince Charming, Sleeping Beauty, a Ghost, The Fireman, a Fox and a Ninja, these are just a couple of people who came to our house yesterday. Such a surprise. Costumes and masks. Creativity and imagination. They allow us to masquerade as the person we would most like to be or they allow us to conceal who it is we really are. Halloween is one time of the year when this practice is expected and even anticipated. But what about the other 364 days of the year? What about the person who hides behind their health? The person who hides behind their history and their past. Even the person who hides from their future. Masks and Masquerades are about hiding and forgetting, but this is not who and what God is about.

    Hear the Good News, who we are and what we are called to be is nothing to hide from or fear, because under everything you have been told or experienced, one truth remains, you are God's and He is yours. Moreover, God has such a wonderful opportunity for you, an opportunity to rise above everything and to claim this identity. Just as He told other before you and I, "you are the apple of my eye," and I have known you before you were even born," these are mere hints to the presence and connection God has with and to us. As for the places and situation where you hide, come out from behind these dark masks and claim your identity.

Last night I wore a mask as I greeted our visitors. It was hot, it limited my sight, but more than that, it hide who I truly was and am. Once I removed the mask, the breathing, and the seeing was much easier and definitely offered more clarity.


    Lord, with everything that goes on in my life, it is not difficult for me to lose myself, only to find a mask and to put it on. It seems the easy and the safe thing to do. If I am hated it is the mask that is hated. If rejected, there too it is the mask. Lord, let me drop these masks and breath the cool air that You bring to me and let me see with the clarity that only You can offer. Help me to feel confident in who I am, that others may see You through me. And let me share Your love with all I encounter. Thank You for all that You have done in my life and all You will continue to do, for I ask this through Christ, my Lord and Savior. Amen.