E-votional - Rain
July 18, 2002

"“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in his field"

Matthew 13:31 (NRSV)


   Rain, is has been falling all over Texas. Some areas have experienced flooding, while others are receiving a much needed ground soaking. How is it that something so valuable and needed for one, could be such a problem for another?

Hear the Good News, though we over look the importance and value of the storms and the floods in our life, we must remember all things, in time, if we allow it, can serve God. One of the smallest of seeds in the Middle East, the mustard seed has long been a reminder that the most insignificant, the most useless of things, can blossom beyond our wildest of dreams. The truth of the matter is the rain we receive, makes it into the life that is in the soil, then can refill aquifers. When floods come, there is the disaster of the damage that follows, but there is a then a chance for us to respond. The mustard seed which grows into the tree is only responding to what it has been called to do. It responds the best way it can. Let us respond to the floods and rain we face, faithfully and as best as we can, not worrying about that which we have no control over. Be a branch for a bird, offer shade to the hot, use where you are to be faithful to God's call upon your life.


   Gracious God, even the fertile soil in which you have sown me has trouble at times. Though the floods and the scorching sun I struggle in my growth, yet I know You have a plan for me and a need of me. Let me use my situation to be a witness to others. Thank You for all that You have done in my life and all You will continue to do, for ask this through Christ, my Lord and Savior. Amen.