E-votional - Remember
September 17, 2001
"Then he said, 'Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.' "

Luke 23:42 (NRSV)


    A place called Remember. It is where we go when we visit a part of our past. More importantly when we remember that which we remember is not entirely lost. When you remember me, though I might be gone, possibly separated by a great distance, we are still united, bonded in the experience of our past.

    Hear the Good News, as Christ knew his time here was coming to an end, he called those close to Him and shared a meal with them. It at this meal that Jesus left a part of who he was with the Disciples. And even now, when we share a meal with friends, we remember Jesus and at the same time give a little bit of ourselves to others. The ability to share of ourselves and remember are truly gifts. Remember those who we are separated from, honor them with your memories, because as they are remembered, they live. As Jesus was on the cross, he was asked to remember the thief to his side. Jesus' response was "Yes, I will." Remember, it has such power. When we have hit the dregs of life, maybe we should remember, remember what is important, who we are and what we have been called to be.


    Remember me, what a powerful statement, and it is one we lift up to you. Father remember me, remember me when I grow weak or tired. Remember me when I struggle to understand my own life and it's happenings. Remember me when I honor You. I seek to remember all Christ has done for me. The way He has saved my life, just as the rescue workers in New York and Washington DC have tried to save the lives of others. My life has in fact been saved. Let me honor Christ as I live a life that reminds others of Him. Bless and strengthen me, that I might make a difference in this world. Thank You for all that You have done in my life and all You will continue to do, for I ask this through Christ, my Lord and Savior. Amen.