E-votional  United
July 16, 2001
"May you be made strong with all the strength that comes from his glorious power, and may you be prepared to endure everything  with patience, while joyfully giving thanks to the Father . . .."
- 1 Colossians 1:11-12 (NRSV)


Prayer is a powerful thing, it changes lives.  We hope that people do well, whispering thoughts underneath our breath.  As a friend or family member prepares fro surgery, we share our hope, our wish with the person and with our own self.  Then something else happens, we go to God, we pray.  The focus, the context and even the content tends to change.  Maybe we have not take the time to talk with God in a while, yet compelled, we turn to God.  Even at this point, the skeptic, the unbeliever searches for hope, for help, for change.  The question is of course why.
Hear the Good News, as we have hear the Good News, the word of hope, knowledge of God, it is a seed that is planted and for some the germination process take some time.  Paul, in this letter to the church in Colossea, knows of the seed that has been planted and begins to till this soil in which it, the seed has been planted.  Prayer.  Paul prays for the church, prays for strength, for wisdom, direction, hoping that they might be faithful children of God.  Paul hope that the seed that has been planted then grows into a faith that will spread the Good News in such a way that others might reap from their faith.  Paul was not there physically, but his prayers never ceased.  Though we may be separated by distance, brothers and sisters of the faith we will always be, united in the bond of prayers and faith.  Let your prayers never cease.  Prayer changes lives, it is a powerful thing.

Gracious Father, You receive my thanks and my prayers as often as I offer it.  Let me remember about others, to pray for them, to pray for their strength, their hope and their faith.  The prayers of others for myself, have been felt, let me share that with others.  Thank you Father, for all You have done and all You will continue to do in my life.  Amen.