E-votional - Guides & Provides
January 16, 2003


Then the LORD said to Moses, "Why do you cry out to me?  Tell the Israelites to go forward.”

Exodus 14:15 (NRSV)


Just "God, if You will just show me . . ., then I will . . ..   Sound familiar?  God, if you will let me know You are behind me, then I will go forward.  Show me a sign."  We say this about service, about tithing, about this and that.  But why can't we remember what has been done already, how God has stretched us and helped us grow in who we are, our walk with Christ and what we are about?

Hear the Good News, God when God is our guide, He also is the one who provides.  Simple Yes.  True?  Yes.  From the earliest history, God has always been there.  Creation, The Fall, The Flood, the Exodus, through the New Testament period and even into today.  If you stop and think, you too see it.  God's providence is everywhere, yet, we still have hang-ups.  The Israelites, after experiencing the plagues, they still were uncertain about whether or not God was going to provide as Pharaoh's army was on their way.  What would it be like if we accepted God's providence, the faith He will provide for us as we are following his way, aware of what and where He is leading us?  We would be in prayer, we would worship, we would serve, and we would give.  Can you see that for your own life?  Are you there, are close?  Just remember, He is the one that guides and provides, and we know the difficulties of trying to be our own guide and provider.  Ask me about when I tried to guide myself to and through the caves of Qumran.


   Gracious Father in heaven, You have guided and provided for me all of my life, and for that I give You my thanks and praise.  Forgive me when I forget and doubt. Let me connect with You in such a way that I am able to walk in Your way all of my days.  Help my prayer life, my service, my honoring You and my giving. Thank You for all You have done and all You will continue to do, for I ask this through Christ, my Lord and Savior. Amen.