Just say the words.
Monday, April  3, 2000

   Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God.  Give me relief from my distress; be merciful to me and hear my prayer.
    -- Psalm 4:1, New International Version

   There you are, walking along a bridge, out of the corner of your eye, you see something, then a faint noise.  HELP!!  You look, smile and continue walking.  Yeah, right.  The first thing you are going to do is try to be of help.  The last thing you expect is, "Um, excuse me, but could you please give me a hand, I seem to be drowning."  The Psalmist is crying out to God, saying, "save me, help me!"
    Hear the Good News, so often, we go to God with our fears, our distress, our pain.  We call to God and expect a response.  The Good News is this, God Listens and responds.  I must say, I wish He would respond the way I want Him to respond.  The reality is, in His response, He is righteous and more faithful than we could ever be.  When we look back upon our life and see the way God has responded to our Humanity, all we see is graciousness and mercy.
    Always know, 1) you can go to God with your prayers of concern, distress and pain; 2) God will listen; 3) God will respond; and most of all 4) God loves you so much that he offered his Son's life for even you.  If your life is worth the life of His one and only Son, then why would He not listen?  Nothing, not death, nor life, not our mistakes or our failures will ever separate us from the Love of God!

   O God, as I cry out to You with my own fears and worries, not only for myself, but those whom I love and care for, I ask that Your mercy and peace surround all of our lives and allow us to be healed, both in mind, body and spirit, so we might be able to live the life You have called each one of us to.  Respond in Your amazing and miraculous ways so that we may not only be relieved, but that you may be glorified as well. In Jesus' name I pray.  Amen.