
Monday, July 24, 2000


Is any one of you sick? He should call upon the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up.

-- James 5:14-15



It seems that much of what we know about Jesus is surrounded by the way He interacted with the people of His time and the way He interacted with God. One of the most notable things He did during His time on Earth was healing the sick. The blind saw, the lame walked, and even the dead rose. Even today and the time since, countless miraculous healings have happened in His name. Some say yes, some say no.

Someone whom I call friend reminds me that for those who say no, say no for different reasons. The idea of miracles are an offense to human intellect and reason. Unless there is some way to prove it, it did not happen that way. If is unexplainable, well then we did not understand it in the first place. If there has been a "healing" and it is God who has done the healing, the sickness was psychological in the first place. And for all of the piles of crutches at Lourdes and elsewhere, it was and is all foolishness and humbug.

If your thinking of healing is empirical in nature yet you don't always have an answer or the how and the why, you can give prayer a try. Pray for the healing. If it is for someone else, you can even use your hands as Jesus sometimes did. Jesus can use shaky hands as well as a shaky faith to do more than either of us could ever imagine. And as My friend says, "if this makes you feel like a fool, you probably are, but at least you are not a damned fool."

Please, hear the Good News, God listens. God works. God Changes. In all things, we may not understand God real well, but we need to understand that God understand all of us and He calls to us to trust him. At the same time, He wants us to go to Him. We go to Him, not because we have to in order to "get God to act", but because we have to go to Him before we get there.


Dear Father, though my faith, at times might be shakier than it needs to be, use it and me as You can. I will go to You and seek Your heart. I will ask over and over for what I am looking for, please open my eyes so I can see what it is You give. As for healing, please. As for comfort, I insist. As for Grace and the way You can change my life, thanks. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.