wE aRe FaMiLy
Monday, December 20, 1999
God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem
those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons.
-- Galatians 4:4-5, New International Version
God sent his Son. No one else would do. He had sent
prophets, priests, and preachers. Religion remained earthbound,
legalistic, and doomed. It seems most of the people missed the real
message, there fore God sent to us the "Cliff Notes," God's is
most precious Son. Why? So we might be adopted into his
family and have the same rights as the Savior, God's Son and our brother in
the faith! Remember, as you were Baptized, you were named into the
family of God. As you were Baptized, you became a brother or a sister to
all who have gone before and all who will follow. You are a part of the
biggest family ever, and the is family is based on two things, Love God with
all of passion, your head, and your very essence, then also your neighbor as
yourself. Do this and you will be doing all that you have been called to
Thank you, Holy God, for bringing me into your family
through your Son. Thank you for not treating me as a stranger.
Thank you for not leaving aside, forgotten and broken, but accepting me
through your grace into a dynamic love relationship as your child. Thank
you for all your promises. Thank you for sending your Son. In
the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I thank you. Amen.