What To Learn From Hailey

Tuesday, May 23, 2000


May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

-- 1 Thessalonians 5:23



I think we can learn a lot from dogs. Hailey, my Golden Retriever, is something else. Each day, after a time of exercising, I go home to find Hailey waiting. She is waiting in the front window, watching the world go by, but as she sees my car, she beats me to the front door. She is waiting.

After a weekend away, I came home, and Amy was glad to see me, but Hailey, too excited, was walking in circles, with a pair my dirty socks in her mouth, trying to get in-between Amy and I so she could get a hug too. It is at moments like that we can understand what it is to be loved.

Hear the Good News, as God becomes a part of our life, he "sanctifies" us through His Love and Peace and Presence. Now what is sanctification? Simply put, the process by which I am moved to be a better owner towards Hailey out of the love she shows me. However undeserving I may be to have a dog like her, she loves me. She Forgives my short comings. Hailey keeps no score of my disappointments. Her healing, her loving, and her forgiving, creates in my heart a heart that is healed, that is forgiven and loved. The end result is a change and a desire to different. Our experience of God moves us the same way. From needing to be healed, to healed, to that of a healer our self.


Father, may I experience, understand, and be transformed by Your Presence, Love and Power. And Father, as I am changed, may I share that which You have shared with me. Always, I pray, work within me, and allow me to be faithful to all that You are and that which You have called me to be. In Jesus' name I ask this. Amen.